CBT 605 Plant Physiology II

CBT 605 Plant Physiology II

CBT 605 Plant Physiology II

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Growth correlation and periodicity: Periodicity of vegetative and reproductive growth, growth correlation between vegetative and reproductive development; Cell water relations: Structure, properties and functions of water in plant cell; water movement in and out of a plant cell, interrelationship between osmosis, turgidity and water potential; Translocation of solutes: Nature of solution in trans-port, path of movement; mechanism of phloem loading, translocation and unloading; factors affecting translocation; Enzymes and bioenergetics : Cell energy relation- bioenergetics of formation of ATP, NADH and their utilization in various plant processes; bioenergetics of some major enzymatic activities in plants; Plant metabolism : Anabolic and catabolic pathways of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids and their cellular and organelle compartmentation.

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